AngloGold Ashanti

Headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, AngloGold Ashanti has 19 gold mining operations in 9 countries, as well as several exploration programmes in both the established and new gold producing regions of the world.

AngloGold Ashanti produced 4.4Moz of gold in 2014, generating $5.2bn in gold income, utilising $1.21bn capital expenditure. AngloGold Ashanti has an attributable Ore Reserve of 57.5Moz of gold and an attributable Mineral Resource of 232.0Moz

Our five key business objectives – Supporting our core strategy…

  • Focus on people, safety and sustainability: our business must operate according to our values if it is to remain sustainable in the long term.
  • Optimise overhead, costs and capital expenditure: all spending decisions must be checked and double checked to ensure they are necessary to fulfil our core business objective.
  • Improve portfolio quality: we have a portfolio of assets that must be actively managed as we strive for a competitive valuation as a business.
  • Ensure financial flexibility: the balance sheet is the foundation of our company and we must ensure it always remains able to meet our core funding needs.
  • Maintain long-term optionality: while we are focused on ensuring the most efficient day-to-day operation of our business we must keep an eye on creating a competitive pipeline of long-term opportunities. ​